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86% of consumers are willing to delay eCommerce deliveries to improve sustainability.

Give your customers the freedom to make their delivery greener without compromising delivery times.
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Carbon neutral shipping with the world's biggest carriers

Ship sustainably with Royal Mail, USPS, UPS, DPD and dozens more local and international carriers.

Carbon Neutral Shipping FAQs

Still not clear how things work? We've attempted to answer any questions you may have around how to ship carbon neutral with Shiptheory.
  • What is carbon offsetting?

    Carbon offsetting comes in 3 distinct categories: Avoidance - For example, stopping deforestation Reduction - Improving energy efficiency Removal - Carbon Capture via things such as concrete mineralising

  • How do I know the carbon offsetting is legitimate?

    Shiptheory communicates electronically with the worlds biggest carbon offsetting marketplaces such as (via APIs).

    For every marketplace and broker we use, we require them to provide fully independently audited asset transaction certificates.

  • How do I know carbon offsetting credit isn’t being resold multiple times?

    All the market places and brokers we use, we require them to provide fully independently audited asset transaction certificates.

  • Who pays for the carbon offsetting?

    Shiptheory will bill you (the retailer) for any carbon credits at a flat rate of 25p per delivery. This fee covers the purchasing of the carbon credit, the access to brokers and any associated fees the brokers and marketplaces place have such as transaction and audit fees.

  • Does it matter which carrier I use?

    No, you can enable this for all of your carriers!

  • Which type of carbon offsetting does Shiptheory offer?

    At Shiptheory, we love trees and the animals that live among them. And because of this we are big advocates of both reforestation and stopping deforestation and as such this is our default carbon offsetting offering.

    However, if you have a specific type or project, we are happy to look at enabling this for you. We are always on the lookout for creative, exciting and innovative carbon offsetting project!

  • Can I send this certificates to my customer(s) to prove a carbon credit has been purchased?

    Yes! Each week, we send out all the certificates for each carbon offset we have processed for you. These can be then sent to each customer if you wish (it’s also a nice chance for you to follow up on your customers' recent experience with your store).

  • How does billing work?

    Shiptheory will report on and bill for each carbon credit at the end of each week on a Sunday evening. This will be automatically invoiced and deducted from the card you pay for your Shiptheory subscription with.

  • Will this cost my customer more?

    That’s up to you, you can either pass the cost on to your customer during their checkout phase, or you can cover the fee yourself. However, if you’d like to mitigate the cost difference, you could put carbon neutral shipments through as a slower (cheaper) service, which will allow you to negate the cost difference.

  • My carrier already offers green services. Why should I enable carbon credits?

    Great! Why not double up and go from carbon neutral to carbon negative?