A Look at November and December for Shiptheory


October has been an exciting month in the Shiptheory offices. October was our first full month out of Beta. Coming out of Beta does not mean our development has slowed down, in fact in October we added another carrier, 13ten Parcels, we became a Gold Partner with Brightpearl, redesigned our Shipment Dashboard, partnered with Exact, added support for multiple boxes from Magento and a heap of other features.

Read on to find out exactly what was added in October and November so far. The rest of November and December are not going to be quiet either. We are going to add 2 additional carriers, DHL and FedEx. We are also adding support for barcode readers, shipment archiving, Shipwire and more.

Lets' get into it ...

Brightpearl Gold Partner

We've been working closely with Brightpearl to build the best possible shipping solution for Brightpearl customers. We are happy to announce that Shiptheory has been promoted to a Gold App in Brightpearl.

brightpearl partner shiptheory

If you are using Brightpearl, Shiptheory comes (optionally) bundled with your with Brightpearl subscription. This is great news for Brightpearl customers as you now have two routes for support, the 247 Brightpearl Help Desk or contacting us directly. Brightpearl are on hand to help you connect Shiptheory and get setup. Brightpearl also handle your Shiptheory billing, meaning less paperwork for you to worry about.

13ten Parcels Integration

13ten provide an affordable, personal approach to shipping. We are excited to have been able to add 13ten Parcels integration to Shiptheory.

13ten customers can now ship from Magento, Brightpearl or Exact using their Shiptheory account with just the click of a button. Never type another 13ten shipping label manually again.

Exact Partnership

Shiptheory has partnered with Exact UK to provide Royal Mail, and other carrier integrations to Exact customers.

Exact is a powerful online ERP. Adding Exact UK to our available channel integrations is a big step forward for Shiptheory.

Expect to see much more from us around our Exact integration in the coming months.

Overhauled Dashboard

We've been busy collecting feedback from users and the result is a brand new Shipment Dashboard.

shipment dashboard

The new dashboard brings a wealth of new functionality, such as enhancement shipment search, bulk manual shipping and shipment weight and number of boxes overwrite.

As well as being able to overwrite the number of boxes on an order using the new Shiptheory dashboard, it is now also possible to control the number of boxes directly from your Magento admin panel.

Login to your Shiptheory now to explore the new dashboard. We'd love to hear your feedback.

Up Next

By the end of November, you will be able to archive shipments in Shiptheory. Printed shipments will automatically be archived too. This, along with the usual system enhancements and bug fixes are part of a large stack of new functionality we expect to add between now and the end of December.

DHL & FedEx Integration

The votes are in. DHL and FedEx are next on our hit list. In fact, we've already began the preparation for FedEx and DHL Integration.

DHL and FedEx are both major international shippers. Supporting these carries will help Shiptheory customers up their international game.

== Expected Release Date: Early-Mid December ==

Handheld Barcode Scanners

The easier we make shipping, the better. That is why towards the end of November you will be able to use a handheld barcode reader to print labels directly from Shiptheory. No typing, no clicking, just scanning.

~~ Expected Release Date: Nov 20th 2015 ~~ == Available Now == Read the announcement here

SKUVault Integration

SKUVault Shipping Integration

We are currently working towards adding SKUVault by the end of the year. Please get in touch if you are interested in being one of the first to take advantage of our SKUVault carrier integration.

== Expected Release Date: Postponed - SKUVAULT has been replaced in this development cycle with an XDP Express Integration, announcement here ==

Multiple Channels

It is currently possible to run Shiptheory on more than one channel, such as Magento and Brightpearl. However it is currently not possible to connect multiple instances of the same channel to your Shiptheory account. For example, multiple Brightpearl accounts to the same Shiptheory account, or multiple septate Magento installations.

By the end of year, this limitation will have been removed. You will be able to connect multiple "same channel" channels to your Shiptheory account.

== Expected Release Date: Late December ==

And the rest ...

We are also currently looking at the potential to add Shipwire integration and desktop printing during December however no formal schedule has been set as of yet

We often stay ahead of our development schedule and have time to implement additional features. Keep your eyes on our twitter @Shiptheory to stay informed.

If you have feedback on what we have been adding and what we plan to add, please do get in touch - We love hearing from you all.