With Shiptheory, you can print shipping labels along with picking lists, customer invoices, and more on a single sheet of paper. The integrated labels option allows you to build a custom page template that features your shipping label in a design of your choosing.

You can now select to have the courier shipping label print out onto a separate page from the rest of the integrated label template. If you choose to do so, the shipping label will print in the top-left corner of the new page.
You can activate the new functionality in just a few steps:
- Click on your username in the top right of the Shiptheory toolbar, select 'Advanced' and then 'Integrated Labels'.
- Click 'Add New Template'.
- Set up your integrated label template setting as you usually do, and then scroll down to the 'Print Courier Labels Separately?' drop-down menu. Here you can choose if you want your courier shipping label to be part of your integrated label template or print on a separate page.

Important: If you do not want to include the shipping label on the main page, do not drag the shipping label element onto the designer, or you will receive the shipping label on both the separate page and the main page.
Examples of use cases
Typically, an integrated label with the shipping label on the main page would look something like that:

With our new integrated label functionality, you can choose to have a full paged packing sheet on the first page of your integrated label and your shipping label printed on a separate page. Having a picking list on a single piece of paper can be quite handy for your warehouse staff and help avoid packing mistakes.
In that case, your integrated label would look like that:

Another practical use case for the new integrated label functionality is producing a customised customer invoice that does not have the shipping label on it.
In that case, your integrated label will look like that:

If you have any queries regarding the above new functionality, please do not hesitate to reach out to support. We are more than happy to give you a hand to get it up-and-running.
Otherwise, create a free Shiptheory account and start shipping smarter and faster today!