What Shiptheory is Planning for October

October is going to be a big month for us. If you've been following our progress so far you'd know that we came out of Beta in September 2015 after a successful trial that ran for around 6 months. We were lucky to have the help of a group of great customers who were happy for Shiptheory to take over their shipping while we perfected a few things behind the scenes.

We are exited about October. And here's why.

Exact Online Integration

October 10th will see the release of our Exact Online shipping integration.

Exact Online is Europe biggest CRM. Aimed at SME's, Exact Online continues to grow both in UK and the rest of Europe.

Integration with Exact Online allows Exact customers access to the UK's most popular carriers, without any manual data entry when it comes to creating labels and shipping manifests. Shiptheory's Exact Online integration supports Royal Mail, APC Overnight, UPS, Parcelforce, UK Mail, DPD, Interlink and more. For a complete list of the carriers you can integrate Exact Online with, look here.

More Reading:

Follow our Exact Trello card here

The Exact Online Website

Shipment Dashboard Improvements

We have been working hard to collect as much feedback as we can from our current customers. As a result, we've got some changes due on October 10th to make printing labels even easier.

As part of the new dashboard you will be able to ...

  • View Labels by Status
  • Search Labels by Date
  • Filter Labels using Quick Links
  • Retry Labels in Batch (Due later in October)
  • Bulk Create Labels (Due later in October)
  • Overwrite Weight and Number of Boxes (Due later in October)

You can follow our trello card for this functionality here.

Turn On Billing

Shiptheory has been online since January 2015 without charging any of our customers. We were ready to start charging at the start of September however we greatly appreciate the time our Beta customers have given us to help perfect things and so, we delayed switching on billing for a little while.

Billing will start on the 19th of October 2015.

As well as providing an entirely free Shiptheory account that never expires, we also have a 30 day free trial on every one of our paid accounts.

If you have not yet started to use Shiptheory, you can sign up for free here. Existing users will be contacted shortly to make sure everything is on par.

Useful Links:

New User? Register Free

Read more about our pricing structure

New Carriers

In October we do not have any confirmed plans for any new carriers. There is potential for a development window opening up later in October. If it does, we'll allocate that time to new carrier development. The next carrier we will add will mostly be FedEx, Nightline or TNT, however this is subject to change.

Get In Touch

We'd love to hear your thoughts on what we've done and what we plan. If you would like to get in touch please do so using the links below.

Follow @Shiptheory on twitter

Email Us