Parcelforce have responded directly to customer feedback regarding limits inplace on the length of address lines on labels. As a direct result, from Saturday the 10th of September 2016, you will notice a slight change to your Parcelforce labels created through Shiptheory.
Higher Address Line Limits
As of the forthcoming update, address lines will now be limited to 40 characters rather than the previous 25 character limit.
The increased address line limit should make labels more readable and result in fewer label booking rejections due to address validation issues.
Barcode Rotation
To accomodate the larger address fields, Parcelforce have slightly redesigned their shipping labels. Most notably, the first barcode has been rotated, as shown below.

You do not need to take any action, this changes will automatically be applied to your Shiptheory account.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Septembers Parcelforce label redesign, please feel free to get in touch.