Nonprofits using NetSuite to make the world a better place

NetSuite is a powerful, cloud-based business management system that helps nonprofits to manage operations, streamline processes and make informed decisions. It's an ideal tool for nonprofits looking to boost their efficiency while staying on top of costs, reporting and compliance.

Last year, we announced our new shipping integration with NetSuite and we're continuing to partner with NetSuite, so expect to see much more from us this year. Meanwhile, we thought it would be interesting to explore how NetSuite can help nonprofits in their charitable endeavours.

What is NetSuite and How Can it Help Nonprofits?

NetSuite is a cloud-based, easy-to-implement business management system developed with the unique needs of nonprofits in mind. With NetSuite, nonprofits can leverage real-time data to help make more informed decisions, quickly identify problem areas and focus resources in the places with the greatest impact.

Features such as automated accounting, donation tracking and sophisticated forecasting provide nonprofits with complete visibility into operations, enabling them to adjust quickly to stay ahead of the competition.

NetSuite also offers a range of features designed to help nonprofits streamline their operations, such as automated billing and invoicing, inventory management, and customer relationship management.

This allows nonprofits to save time and money, while also providing them with the tools they need to better serve their constituents. Additionally, NetSuite's cloud-based platform allows nonprofits to access their data from anywhere, anytime, giving them the flexibility to make decisions on the go.

The Benefits of NetSuite for Nonprofits

NetSuite offers nonprofits a number of advantages, including:

  • Automated processes – With automated accounting and donation tracking, nonprofits save time and money while minimizing errors.
  • Integrated system – All data is housed in one place, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This makes reporting and analytics easier than ever.
  • Real-time data – NetSuite provides real-time visibility into operations and performance metrics, so nonprofits can make fast, data-driven decisions.
  • Flexible pricing model – With its subscription-based model and customizable options, NetSuite allows nonprofits to meet the unique needs of their organization at an affordable price point.

NetSuite also offers nonprofits access to a wide range of features, such as customizable dashboards, automated workflows, and advanced analytics. This allows nonprofits to gain deeper insights into their operations and make more informed decisions. Additionally, NetSuite's cloud-based platform ensures that nonprofits can access their data from anywhere, anytime.

Case Studies of Nonprofits Using NetSuite

Many nonprofits have seen the benefits of using NetSuite to boost their efficiency, reduce costs and grow their donor base. Once such example is charity: water.

charity: water uses NetSuite to manage their donor database, track fundraising and donations, and monitor their programs and water projects worldwide. They also use NetSuite to generate financial reports and dashboards to keep their staff and donors informed about the organization's impact and progress. Read more about how NetSuite and charity:water work together here.

NetSuite has also been used by many other nonprofits to help them achieve their goals. For example, the United Way of Greater Atlanta used NetSuite to streamline their financial processes and improve their donor engagement. This allowed them to save time and money, while also increasing their donor base.

How to Get Started with NetSuite for Nonprofits

Before implementing NetSuite for your nonprofit, it is important to consider your organization's specific goals and requirements. Once you have identified these goals, you should find a NetSuite partner who has extensive experience in working with nonprofits and understands the unique needs of your organization.

Your partner should be able to lead you through the entire implementation process from start to finish.

Challenges and Pitfalls of Implementing NetSuite for Nonprofits

Implementing a new enterprise software system can be challenging for many organizations, including nonprofits. Common challenges with implementing NetSuite for nonprofits include inadequate staff resources or training, lack of user adoption, difficulty adapting existing processes or lack of budget.

In addition, nonprofits may face difficulty in understanding the full scope of the NetSuite system and how it can be used to meet their specific needs. It is important to ensure that the organization has the necessary resources to properly configure and customize the system to meet their unique requirements.

Furthermore, nonprofits should be aware of the potential for data loss or corruption if the system is not properly maintained and updated.

What to Look for When Choosing a NetSuite Partner for Your Nonprofit

When choosing a partner for your NetSuite implementation, there are a few key questions you should consider:

  • Experience: Does the partner have experience with nonprofit organizations? Make sure they are familiar with the specific requirements of nonprofits.
  • Resources: Does the partner have the necessary resources (time, people and budget) in order to ensure a successful implementation? Check their portfolio to see if they have experience with similar projects.
  • Support: Does the partner offer ongoing support after the initial implementation? It's important that you have access to expert support should any problems arise over time.

It's also important to consider the partner's reputation. Ask for references from other nonprofits who have used their services, and read online reviews to get an idea of their customer service and support.

Conclusion: Is NetSuite Right for Your Nonprofit?

NetSuite offers a wealth of benefits for nonprofits looking to streamline operations and gain greater insights into their performance. From automated processes to real-time data analysis, it's a powerful tool that can help even the smallest nonprofit organization reach its goals.

However, as with any major software purchase, it's important to make sure that your organization is ready to take on the challenges associated with a new system before jumping in. In short, if your organization is looking for a powerful and cost-effective tool that can help unlock new insights into operations and performance metrics, then NetSuite might be right for you.

NetSuite have several initiatives geared towards non-profit based customers, as well as their own charitable activities. For more information on how NetSuite works with non-profits, see the NetSuite Not for profit page. For a broader look at companies who use NetSuite, we recommend our article on the biggest companies using NetSuite.

To learn more about how Shiptheory and NetSuite work together, click here.