Much hard work has been going on at Shiptheory's headquarters the last month:
We have added two new channels: Bluepark and ProSKU, and we also introduced a significant number of new features and updates to our services. On top of that, as the Brexit deadline is around the corner, we introduce you to our brand-new product data checking tool that automatically identifies and highlights any issues or omissions in your product data to make customs clearance an uncomplicated process.
Speaking of Brexit, we would like to inform you that our technical team has been working hard with all our carrier and channel partners to make sure Shiptheory supports any changes to their specifications and help you ship seamlessly post-Brexit.
Please scroll down to find out more about new features and our brand-new channel integrations!
Bluepark Integration

Bluepark, incorporated in 2004, is a software development company, specialising in e-commerce software which enables retailers to build and maintain their own fully hosted online shops.
Suppose you want a comprehensive online shop solution, hosted on fast and reliable UK servers, and to streamline your e-commerce fulfilment all at the same time. In that case, Shiptheory's integration with Bluepark is the perfect solution!
Connect your Bluepark store to Shiptheory and gain access to powerful shipping automation. Shiptheory's shipping platform imports your orders from your Bluepark store and prints shipping labels automatically while sending the shipment tracking information back to your Bluepark store and customers, moments after an order is complete.
ProSKU Integration

ProSKU WMS is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) application to manage physical stock, order picking, and despatch in e-commerce and wholesale business. ProSKU provides the efficient processes you need to ensure accuracy and productivity throughout your operation and fulfil your customer promise.
Shiptheory allows the processing of your ProSKU orders from a single platform that offers multiple-user support, advanced reporting features, and an excellent customer support team. Shiptheory automatically updates your ProSKU account as soon as you ship or complete an order, so there is no need to log in to various platforms to keep everything in sync.
Check your Product Data

Shiptheory automatically generates and prints customs documentation (CN22 and CN23 forms, Commercial Invoices, and Electronic Paperless Trade Documents (where the respective carrier and country supports it) required to export shipments around the world at the same time as processing your shipment's shipping labels.
Nevertheless, having the correct product data on the above forms will be vital post Brexit to avoid your shipments being delayed, returned, or paying more tax. We highly recommend checking and updating your product data to make customs clearance a smoother process going forward.
Shiptheory now offers a comprehensive product data checking tool that automatically identifies and highlights any issues or omissions in your product data and helps you reduce friction when shipping internationally.
You can check your product data here.
Other additions of note that we implemented in the last month:
Pick Pack Ship: Allow Users to Select A Printer
Shiptheory's Pick Pack Ship feature now has the functionality to select your desired printer to print labels for picked items.
Export All Products in A CSV File
You can now export all your product data Shiptheory has on file. The new Export Data tool generates an email to you containing all your product data in a single CSV file. Export your product data here.
Parcelforce: Option to Not Include Parcelforce Senders Address
You can now select not to include the sender address on your Parcelforce shipping labels.
Parcelforce: Add Support for Collection Cut-off Time
You can now add a cut-off time for your shipment bookings.
Only Create Commercial Invoices for Non-ETD Shipments/Carriers
When the Paperless Trade (ETD) option is turned on, we will only generate customs documents for countries that do not support the sending of electronic customs data.
Integrated Labels: Option to Display Channel Shipping Method
We can now display the shipping method we receive from your sales channel on the integrated label.
Shipping Rule Scheduling: Option to Specify Time of Day to Book In
You can now specify a specific day and specific time to book in a shipment.
Shiptheory API: Support Add/Editing/Viewing Products
We have added functionality to our API to allow customers to add new products, edit existing products, and view all of their products.
If you have any queries regarding the above integrations and updates, please do not hesitate to reach out to support. We are more than happy to give you a hand to get these up and running.
Otherwise, create a free Shiptheory account and start shipping smarter and faster today!